Stuart M. Homer MD and Associates

Privacy Policy and Disclosure

At Stuart M. Homer MD and Associates your privacy is assured. If you join the newsletter on this site, you will be kept posted on any developments that might benefit you. However, please note:

This website does not gather personal information about you without your knowledge. Standard server log files are kept for the sole purpose of administering this site. They are not used for any other purpose. These files include, but are not limited too, user statistics, IP addresses (such as to identify geographic locations), user behavior (such as files requested), referrer URLs, time spent on each page, browsers, operating systems, and screen resolutions.

Our mailing lists are confidential. Upon request, you will be promptly removed from the databases without any questions. Although highly unlikely, a confirmation request will be emailed to you before any changes happen, if ever. We respect your trust.

This site contains numerous links to other sites on the web. This site is neither responsible for nor has any control over the respective privacy practices of such sites. When visiting these or any websites, please use discretion.

If you received unsolicited commercial information about this website or its offerings from an unknown third party (i.e., “spam”), please report the abuse to us immediately so that appropriate action can be taken.